Saturday, October 5, 2013

Little things

A few years ago, I saw a great documentary, God Grew Tired of Us.  The title is a little misleading, it's about four "lost boys" from Sudan who get the chance to come to America through UNICEF.  I highly recommend it.  It shows them learning how to do things that we would consider basic, like how to use the microwave, where to put the trash, and how to operate the light switches.  There's a scene on the airplane where they're trying American food.
  I realized tonight that I've been doing the same thing.  Right down to the light switches.  My coworkers were very amused at me in the first few weeks while I mastered chop sticks.  I had to learn basic things, like how to take out the trash and how to cross the street.

Now about those light switches.

Today I did laundry, another learning experience.  Actually, I haven't learned anything, I just push buttons.  The laundry room is actually a balcony on the floor above me, and I left three shirts to dry out there.  When I went to get them a few hours later, it was dark.  My floor is weird, from the steps, turn right, into another hallway.  The door in the right belongs to my neighbors, two Jr. High teachers that I haven't really talked to.  I've seen one downstairs a few times, but only said hello.  Straight ahead is my apartment.  On the wall just outside my door is a set of two switches.  I learned tonight that the left one is for the hallway.  The right one is for the lights inside my neighbors' apartment.  So sorry about that.

The typhoon is on course to hit Northern Taiwan tomorrow morning, hopefully it won't get too crazy.

There's a pin to mark Tongxiao.  It looks like maybe we'll just get the edges of it.

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