Today marks five months since I've been here. In a few weeks, I'll be at the halfway point. Somebody told me the first year here is like a roller coaster. I believe it. I"m getting to that point where I'm taking my eyes off of the person in front of me, and starting to look at the sky. I'm almost done climbing, and ready to coast down towards the end.
A few thoughts:
As I ate my cereal with fresh strawberries this morning, I realized it was another example of "know where your food comes from." I'm getting used to that here. So much of what I used to eat was processed and unhealthy. Here, they sell live fish at the market, whole chickens with the head still attached. You can buy fish sticks and chicken nuggets in Ohio, but I'm starting to understand the idea that you probably shouldn't eat something that doesn't remotely resemble its original form.
Someone posted this morning a list of "things to do before you turn 30." I'm proud to say I have done quite a few of those things. One of the items was "go somewhere where you don't know anyone." Easier said than done. Today I'm having lunch with a fellow Muskingum Grad. Tongxiao is 7,790 miles from New Concord, and there's a Muskie less than an hour away.
So in the past month, I celebrated Christmas and New Year's outside of Ohio for the first time, visited Daxi and Dahu, and enjoyed the warm weather and sunshine while Ohio spent three days in a deep freeze. Can I sit back and feel smug for just a minute?
Ok, I feel better.
Winter break plans are set, next week I'm going to Taipei for a training session, and two weeks from tomorrow, I'll be snorkeling in Bali. Life is Good
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