Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Seven down, four to go...

Not much happening lately, school is back in full swing, but my schedule seems to be different each week.  There's testing going on, and stuff with the ETRC keeps me busy.  Yesterday was a professional development meeting.  I think we all have a little too much fun at those.  I realized a few days ago, that I need to start looking at plane tickets for July.  For real this time, not "I'msosickofeating7-11foodandfightingbugsIhavenoideawhat'sgoingonI'mleaving" tickets.  Some days, I can't wait to get back, and some days, I don't know how I'm going to leave these kids.

One of the fifth graders keeps coming in here, but all we know how to say to each other is "Hi, how are you?" and "Ni hao?"   She's adorable though.  

I feel really bad when the phone rings in the office, and someone has to run and answer it.  I'm going to answer it one day, just to see what happens.

I've been doing a lot of cross-stitching lately, I spent Saturday afternoon in Toufen, and found the cross stitch shop.  It doesn't carry supplies though, just kits.  I have a supplier in Utah though, the only one I've found that will ship to Taiwan.  They're going to have a very good year, ha ha.

My next adventure will be next weekend, a field trip to Yangmingshan.  "Shan" means mountain in Chinese, and any mountainous area in Taiwan is bound to be gorgeous.  I just hope the weather holds up.  It's still rainy and cold, and I keep asking when Spring is coming.  Although I'm grateful I'm not in Ohio, I just checked the temperatures, it's 65 degrees here, it's 16 degrees in Ohio.  

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