Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekend adventures

The last few weeks have been crazy, so here's what I've been doing:

April 19
Went to Tonglou for the Tung Flower Festival, and then to "Easter Dinner" at Chili's with the other FET's.

April 20- Went to Easter Sunday in Hsinchu with Linda and Thomas.  

April 25-27 
Went to Kaohsiung with Linda, Tara, James, Thomas, and Peggy

There's a Peanuts 65th anniversary coming up.  Twice on our many KMRT rides, we rode the Snoopy train.

Kaohsiung Harbor

A visit to Kuo-Wei's studio.  One of Linda's former co-teachers, who has a pottery studio.  It's in his family home, that has housed several generations of his family for the last 100 years.

At the Butterfly house, a beautiful bead shop in Pingtung

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