Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I've had a few people ask me what an MEV is, so here's what an MEV day is.

MEV stands for Mobile English Village, we travel to different schools that do not have English teachers, to expose the students to the language and culture.  My group goes to the Southern portion of the county.  There is a bus that picks us all up near our home cities, and we get to our target school around lunch time.  After lunch, we get set up and teach 40-75 students at our respective stations.  They have a little "opening ceremony" and the principal usually speaks.  They introduce the FET's, and then they learn the Hokey Pokey to get warmed up.The sessions last about 20 minutes, and the kids rotate in groups of about 20.

Our SMS (School Military Service) boys, who set up everything up for us.

Doing the Hokey Pokey

I teach Canada, with Tara.  Tara has been doing this for 7 years, and she's awesome to work with.

We teach them words like "big mountain" and "wide waterfall" and then teach them how to play hockey.

Van teaches Australia

Ashley teaches Kenya

Peggy and Thomas teach America.

Then the kids have a little closing ceremony, where they have to show us that they've learned something.  Today was actually our last one for the semester, but so far, they've all gone well.  Today I was sitting outside after lunch, and all of the sudden I had about 50 kids around me, chattering in Taiwanese.  They know how to say "what is your name," so we chatted for awhile, lol.  Mostly, they're just fascinated because they've never met any foreigners.

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