Monday, November 11, 2013

Three down, eight to go

Today marks three months since I've been in Taiwan.  Actually, it seems longer than that.  All of my students are on a field trip today, and I have nobody to teach.  So here's the recap.

Since October 12, I've learned a few new Chinese words, and can understand a little when people talk to me.  I've finished a sewing project and a few good books.  I experienced a major earthquake, and I hope that's the last big one.  I went to Kaohsiung, and learned to spell Kaohsiung.  I watched monkeys play in the wild, and played a spider in a children's play about the dangers of obesity and pica.  I went to Hsinchu a few times, and spent a day getting to know my school director (who is also my landlord) and her family.  Overall, I've settled in here, and I'm enjoying it.

 By the way, I love all the snow/ice/cold statuses on Facebook.  Keep 'em coming. It's still mid-70's and sunny here.  :)

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