Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby steps

 Yesterday was another milestone: I navigated a city other than Tongxiao, alone.  I needed to go to a grocery store in Hsinchu, so I hopped on a train after school.  The plan was to get on the shuttle that goes from McDonald's to Far East 21, the department store with a Western-style grocery.  I walked from the station for a few blocks, and started to feel that panic.  I don't the best sense of direction.  Actually, I have no sense of direction.  So I took a chance and turned where I thought maybe I should, and Lo and behold, the store was right there.  This may not seem like much of a feat, but I managed to navigate there by myself-after dark- and without a GPS or familiar landmarks.  I got what I needed, stopped for dinner, and got back on the train for Tongxiao.  Not a bad evening.

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