Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santa Go!

Saturday morning I got up early to catch the 6:37 train to Taichung.  I had a little...adventure trying to get out of the building, but that's another story.  Anyway, I got to Taichung around 8:15, and met Linda for breakfast.  Peggy, Thomas, Ashley, Mandy, and Van joined us a little later to watch Santa Go.  It's an annual walk/run that involves 20,000 people in Santa Suits.  They're given the suits at registration, but everyone personalizes their outfit.  I saw Darth Vader, a Storm Trooper, a Minion, and people in weird masks.  And it's awesome to watch.

They also have themed bear statues all over the place

11 legged race?

The walk was fun to watch, and after awhile people kept running up to us, wanting pictures with the foreigners.  We became celebrities :)

After lunch at a cafe, we walked to the Fine Arts Museum.

We had tea at the Rose Room, in the museum, and it was amazing.  I had vanilla milk tea, and bought some of their rose iced tea to take home.

We took a cab to the train station, and walked around there for awhile.  This place used to be a library, and now it's a bakery/chocolate shop.  Everything is packaged and shelved to look like books.

We stopped at Mode Mall and shopped, then got a bite to eat.

My favorite book in Chinese!
Long train ride home, and then fell into bed at 11.

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