Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 3

Today was better than the last two.  It helps that I've already taught the material.  Tuesdays are my busiest days, four classes from 8:35 to 11:50, lunch, then two more from 1:15 to 2:40.  Yes, I get an hour and 25 minutes for lunch.  Taiwan schools have that advantage :) Every other day (except Wednesdays) I teach from 9:25 to 11:50 and two classes in the afternoon.  I have some really sweet kids.  One class said something to the coteacher, and she said "They want to tell you that you have pretty blue eyes." Awwwww.  Another one thought I was 18.  Bonus points!   So my first full week is halfway over.   Not much else to say.

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