Sunday, September 22, 2013

Moving day

Finally moved today!  I took before and after pictures.

This is where I used to live:

My "closet" used to be on the left side.  Sometime between Thursday afternoon and Saturday night, it collapsed.

Kitchen/laundry room.  No, really, those concrete holes are the stove.

What would Dr. Bardall say?

This is where I live now.  Still needs a little work, but it's a step up.  It has internet access, hallelujah.

It took a nap this afternoon.  And it was glorious.

It's kind of like a dorm room.  I can live with that.  I need a bedspread though.  Or if I knew someone who was really good at making quilts...

Makeshift kitchen with gas burner.  They were very generous, Rose kept bringing in dishes and pots and pans.  I need to organize and get to the grocery store.  I also have a fridge, on the other side of the room.

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