Friday, September 27, 2013


...without cable, hot water, Vietnamese food...

Up until Tuesday afternoon, I didn't have any of those things.  At least I have hot water now.  I didn't until Tuesday afternoon, which made me tired and grumpy for two days.  At least the conversation with my co-teacher was funny:

"Anything you need about the new apartment?"
"Yes, I don't have hot water."
"Ahhh, for cooking?"
"No, for showering."

My landlord came to fix it that afternoon, so I'm good.

I took a lot of pictures around Tongxiao the last few days, just to document what it's like:

 Tongxiao Elementary School

"Downtown" Tongxiao

Tongxiao Station

Banana tree, just outside my classroom

 My classroom

There are three 7-11 stores within walking distance of my apartment.  My bank is to the right of this one.

 Post Office.  You can also do your banking here.

 I have to cross this bridge every morning.  Thank goodness the dragons are there to keep me safe :)

 My apartment building

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